Looking for inspiration on your next piece?
Want to team up with some great authors on an illustrated story?
Just need an excuse to create more Sastiel?
Well, whatever it is, there can never be enough Sastiel love, and we want you! ♥
Just comment on this post with the following form to sign up.
You can change your mind about any of this later, so don't worry!
Username:Media Type:Preferences: (SPN/RPF? Anything you won't do?)
Anything else you'd like to share: For your reference, here's a brief list of what we expect from artists.
Artist Expectations
- Minimum size for art: 500px x 500px
- Minimum length for videos: 1 minute
- Check-ins are MANDATORY
- When we announce datelines, we MEAN datelines. No late submissions will be accepted.
- Plagiarism is a terrible thing. Do not do it. We will hunt you down. ("Will you, boy?" Yes, we will, and we don't sleep. Believe it.)
Artist sign-ups will close on September 1st, 2013.
Anything that isn't here should have been covered in the
F.A.Q. That said, we're nice, we promise! And we'd love to have you! Yes, you! So come one, come all, sign up!