I Can't Explain (SPN, T)

Dec 13, 2013 14:14

Title: I Can't Explain
Author(s): caramelkaren6
Artist: evian_fork
Word Count: 15,476
Rating: T
Characters & Pairing(s): Sastiel (Sam Winchester, Castiel), Dean Winchester, Crowley, mentions of Kevin
Warning(s): slight violence/gore (I've been told it probably doesn't even need a warning but I'm gonna be safe)
Summary: When Castiel is learning how to be human and how to be a better hunter, he begins to notice that he feels different around Sam in a way he can't pinpoint. On the other hand, Sam tiptoes around his feelings for Castiel as they continue to grow closer - until something happens that makes him reevaluate his approach.
Author's Notes: If you're familiar with the Sastiel Big Bang scheduling, you'll know that this means the rough draft of this fic was written in the summer. This is a post s8 fic written before s9 ever premiered. Ignore most s9 canon, and things should run smoothly.

Link to fic: My masterpost
Link to art: My partner's lovely post

word count: 15k - 20k, challenge: 2013, rating: t, relationship: m/m, genre: spn

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