Title: Elements of Journalism or: How to Find Friends and Alienate Your Superiors
reggie11Word Count: ~72k
Rating: G
Characters & Pairing(s): Sam & Castiel friendship, Dean, Jo, Charlie, Anna, Kevin, Bobby, Michael, Raphael, etc
Warning(s): None
Summary: Sam Winchester needs a job. He's a news reporter who recently stepped down from his comfortable position with the Los Angeles Times after his mix-up in a questionable case of journalism ethics. Luckily for him, his brother and Bobby think they can snag him a job at the New Eldritch Herald, a small-town newspaper in the middle of Kansas. And they do. And Sam meets Castiel Novak: the photography editor who everyone agrees resembles the Grumpy Cat meme. Several things happen after that: Sam and Cas develop a friendship, Cas keeps photographing everything, Dean and Sam try to figure out how to be brothers again, Sam starts to realize Editor-in-Chief Michael Alef sort of hates him, and everyone partakes in a hefty dose of vigilante journalism.
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