I have had such an amazing week:
-Hospital on Friday (seriously, not bad, actually got to rest and found out some critical health info.
-Meeting Erik, my friend Amanda's college friend, and hearing him play on Friday and then again on Saturday. Lost all interest in any current crushes.
-House Church and finished a project on Monday
-Had a drawing test on Tuesday morning and I made it to class just on time. Found out later I did pretty well.
-Made $60 on Tuesday in two hours
-Went to Tuesday Night Live (basically a rowdy college person church night) and went out to Steak n Shake after. Then went to the Ram, a bar, and had a few beers with a bunch of awesome Christian boys. Super fun.
-Audited at work on Wednesday, but it was actually really really fun. We were laughing with the auditor, Clay, for hours. I think we did pretty well, too.
-And, I really feel like I'm communicating with God pretty well.
Oh, by the way, I'm still going crazy! In a good way of course. I met Erik on Friday and Saturday and I wasn't initially attracted to him, but his Amish beard grew on me and he is truly an incredibly talented singer and player. We have a similar sense of humor and outlook on life. Plus, he's from Sheboygan, Wisconsin. And, AND, he gave me his album for free. My friend Tisa had to pay $10. I think I love him.
I've been waiting for him to approve my friend request for days, but he's super busy since he's touring the East Coast right now, so I'm sure he doesn't have time to check. It's driving me nuts! I sent him a casual message and then later I read it again and realized that I totally sound ridiculous. Now I can't take it back. Maybe he'll send me a note back anyway...
Oh please.
Holy crap! I just went to my myspace to get a link to his website so you could all check him out. HE WROTE ME BACK RIGHT AWAY!!!
Here's the note:
why thank you anne. i hope that i do and i am sure you will find out if it happens. i like te way you spell your name.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Anne
Date: Oct 3, 2007 8:10 PM
Hi Erik!
I'm so glad I got to meet you last weekend. It was definately one heck of a time. I hope your travels are going well, and I think you should make a trip back to Indy when you go back to Sheboygan this winter. Let me know!
By the way, thanks so much for your album, you guys are really refined and refreshing.
Take care!
Anne (Amanda's friend)
Now I really am insane.
Check out his myspace and tell me what you think: