Hey guys! And welcome back to the Griffith legacy. Last time Cherry gave birth to the first child of the legacy, Allison. Shortly after she also gave birth to her only son, Barren. There were also a few fires, and we closed down the business due to Cherry wanting an actual job. I think that's basically it, so read on!
Tyler: The air is wet..?
That's rain hunny. Weather does that.
Cherry: Man, he's so hot when he jumps in puddles.
Cherry: Look ma' no hands.
What the hell?
Cherry: Don't question my talent.
Allison: Look mom! A+! Aren't you proud of me?
Cherry: Go away, I'm trying to skill. I'll be proud of you later.
Allison: Okay!
Well.... I'm taking it that your birth control didn't work.
Cherry: Fuckkkk..
What's the big grin for?
Tyler: I reached the top of my career. :D
Yay! He's now a Rock God and is perma plat!
Bump two!
Allison brought this girl home, she's adorable! Her name is Lauren Hart.
Speaking of Allison, today is her birthday! :)
I chose to age Lauren up with her, she's so stinkin' pretty.
Eee! She's a lot prettier than I thought she'd be!
She rolled Pleasure, with the LTW of becoming a Game Designer.
Her turn ons are Red hair + Makeup. Her turn off is facial hair.
Allison: Your hair is as red as a fox, some would call that foxy.
Uhm... what? Is that supposed to charm her?
Lauren: Oh my, Allison. You have such a way with words.
Again... what?
Put your damn clothes back on, I don't want the baby ending up pregnant too.
I was done with kids for this generation. ;(
First kiss!
Allison and Lauren have 3 bolts. ^-^
Baby time!
Tyler: Please tell me this is the last one and I won't have to watch this another time.
Well, if you guys would lay off each other this wouldn't even be happening right now.
I really didn't even know she was pregnant at first, I just noticed her needs dropping like crazy, so I checked the sim blender, and sure enough I saw a pregnancy scanner option. Ugh.
....Seriously. D:
I love twins, but not now.
The twins were both girls.
First born is Cali, she has her mom's eyes and dad's hair.
Second is Danni, and she has her mom's hair and dad's eyes.
I realize I haven't really had any pictures of Barren, he's still alive and adorable as ever. ;)
What'cha doin'?
Allison: Leave me alone, I'm gaming.
What'cha playin'?
Allison: I'm playing fuck off
Well... :C
I realize that there are a lot of gingers in my neighborhood.
My game likes to create gingers.
Or maybe gingers want to take over...
Barren. <3
Here's an updated house preview. :)
I know it's not too drastic, I just love showing house progress.
Barren! What are you doing on your sister's laptop?
Barren: Just reading her online messages.
Oh, then carry on.
Tyler: Uhm, hello! I don't have any space on the counter to cook!
Then move something, dumbo!
Cherry: When will you be dropping him off..... Okay, sounds good. *click*
Who's that? Drop who off? o:
Cherry: *ignores*
Well you could have just told me it was a kitten! This is Bongo by the way. :)
He's Genious, lazy, friendly, and finicky. He's just in the middle of aggressive and coward.
Look how cute he is!
Shut up Kensey, he looks just like every other kitten on sims.
But look how cute he is!
Ehhh, these always scare me.. But maybe it'll turn out good..?
Oh well, she didn't need them anyways.
Allison got one too.
Second times the charm?
I suck.
Barren! Do you not notice your sister bathing behind you?
Barren: Why would I even want to notice? That'd be weird. She's my sister.
Well then get out.
Oh... hi... I don't know who you are.
This kid is starting to creep me out. He just stood there and stared at Allison.
Can she not have any privacy?
I love that Barren is a neat freak!
Allison has 0 neat points like her dad and it's annoying. O;
Two cakes! It's birthday time!
Why are you still here? Go home and shower.
Who did you even follow home anyways?
First up is Cali!
Then Danni!
Excuse me, Allison. Does this look like a toddler to you? Bring her back to the cake.
Here's Cali!
And here's Danni!
They're so cute. And Cali's pigtails fit her well.
Damn it you both! I don't want anymore babies! Stahhp!
At least these two will actually get to learn their life skills and not grow up being neglected.
I'm not sure what made it so hard the last times to be honest...
Also, poor Cali has flies swarming around her for no reason.
Her hygiene is filled, and she's obviously potty trained. So, i don't know. :o
What are you doing?
Allison: Shhhh.. I'm sneaking out.
You're lucky you didn't get caught.
Allison: A good girl never does.
Happy birthday Barren!
He just get's cuter and cuter.
Gah, Tyler and Cherry make good babies.
He rolled Knowledge, with the LTW to become a Space Pirate.
His turn on's are Fitness and Cooking. His turn off is Red hair.
It's also Tyler's birthday!
Still lookin' good. ;)
Tyler: How couldn't I look good. With these genes?
Kay' let's not get too cocky now.
Tyler: I'm a romance sim, I'm supposed to be cocky.
Is that supposed to be some kind of joke?
Anyways, that's all for now. I need to get some sleep so I'm not too tired for school in the morning. Thank god I only have two classes. Look out for part 1.4 in a couple days! Please leave feedback, I love reading your comments. Thanks for reading. :)