Brown, the brand new brotha in town...

Jan 17, 2008 04:32

I kinda liked this survey I found on myspace- so I thought I'd share it with you lovely people...
oh and I'm going back to Tarpon tomorrow- yea!

Survey says...
If you could push one person off of a mountain, Who would it be?
I would never and could never PUSH anyone off a mountain... but I could think of someone who would not get my remorse if she FELL OFF said mountain

Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
Tubby's Stankhouse

Do you still have clothes that belong to your ex?
nah- I gave all his shit back- I don't want it

Do you get attached to people easily?
only the really good kind

Have you ever been to California?
I was born there- I wish they all could be California girls

Do you go to church?
I wish there was a bar named Church... I go to Church-ill's

Do you like roller coasters?
been ridin em since I was tall enough to- so for like 3 years

What's your favorite TV show?
due to the writer's strike I don't get any of my shows- but I always try to watch Chelsea Lately- I love her (Kristen you are soooo lame)!

Have you ever seen goonies?
Heeey youuuu guyyyys... like everyday for about 2 years- I think I could still quote it beginning to end. We should make a drinking game out of this...

How many times have you been in love?
to blave... to blave means to bluff... (name that movie)

Do you have any pets?
I gotta dog pound up in here

Do you curse a lot?
when ever I effing feel like it

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
me pee, dogs pee

What's your favorite season?
when spring is sprung

Are Chuck Norris jokes funny?
I don't do jokes

What's your favorite food?
potatoes- they are so versatile

Describe your first kiss?
for being such a fou fou girl- you'd think I'd actually remember it a little better, but I don't, so whattya know

Can you live without the computer?
could, but why- I'm not Amish

Would you get back with an ex?
most of them can suck it

Do you hide your emotions?
when necessary

Do you like chick flicks?
yep- I am afterall- a chick

When was the last time you got flowers?
my birthday- in May

Who was the last person you were in a moving vehicle with?
no moving vehicles- horse and buggy

Best kind of pizza?

Would you take care of your friends while they're sick?
I wouldn't wipe any asses, but otherwise- yes

What was the last CD you purchased?
my homegirl Lily Allen?

When was the last time you dyed your hair?
about 4 years ago- I'm down with my brown locks

Do you want to be in a relationship?
only if he's like totally awesome and wears cool tshirts- otherwise I'm good

What is a band/singer you will always love?
strawberry fields forever

Do you wish at 11:11?
very superstitious- the writing on the wall

Do you have any piercings?
holes minus rings

Last person you hugged?
I was huggin up on lots of people last night when I was drunk and they were drunk and my bar was closing

Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
on a dock?

What are you wearing on your feet?
my feet are nudists

Who was the last person you laid in bed with?
a boy who shall remain nameless you nosy bastards

If you could have the job you want right now what would it be?
SNL cast member

What is your natural hair color?
doo-doo brown (do you get the caption now?)

Who was your last comment from?
Talia- my lil mama

Do you like anyone?
I like lots of people, just don't piss me off
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