Oct 21, 2005 16:34
Hey everybody
Whats happening?
Not too much here just glad its Friday even though I don't get to go to the boyfriend.
Speaking of the boyfriend .... we are currently working on working everything out and will have a better chance to do so when I go over there next weekend, but for the time being we're going to be getting trust re-established and many other things. I still love him with all my heart and I know he knows that; just as I know he loves me with all of his and would do anything to ensure this relationship works. The ex bitch of his still hasn't stepped out of our lives, but at this point I don't give a fuck anymore as long as she stops trying to use the baby as an excuse to get him back which isn't going to happen. I miss his two boys n everybody else associated with who I hang out with in his neighborhood, but its all good .... the time will come again when I have them all back! Anywho, on a better note i'm still getting A's on all my papers in my college class and still working my ass off in my H.S. classes to get my GPA back up so that i'm still qualified for Dual Enrollment for next semester. But yeh, I guess thats all for now. I love you S.O.S. with all my heart and I hope you never forget that and as I always tell you .... I can't wait to be your wife. .... Oh btw, did I mention that to everybody... he proposed to me a cpl weekends back and I said YES! *hugs n kisses* and I guess i'll talk to ya'll later
love always,
S.O.S's Princess