FUCK the club

Jan 14, 2005 01:57

Hey its me here since the last time i wrote in this i became single wow what a change for me to be single not!!! well, this was not because i'm in college and she's in high school. this was because of a variety of reasons that include:A. who she hangs with on her free time
1. they are losers
2. ahe spends all her time "shooting" with them at the club(archery)
3. she wasn't ready for a relationship she just wanted to date
4. she was scared to be cared for (how sad)
5. i need someone who can trat me as i treat them (as gold not a shoe)
i hope i listed enough reasons to be justified in doing this. in number 5 i mean as in a shoe its nice to have on for a while but after a while you get sick of it throw it in a corner for other shoes or epople to hang with that you think fit better but i'm the shoe that had the arch support you needed unlike them cheap shoes that are unfortenly commmon in this society that we live in. they are shitty common and unsupportive in time of need there only there whejn its cionvenent for them. as for the SHAWNEE ARCHERY CLUB located on the back of big ridge road in the ferusoin valley i despise it so violently i would rather shot my toe than look at it or all of the people taht are in it besides two one is ryan and another is a female that i broke up with i don't hate her i just feel that she is being lead blindly in to stuff she doesn't really want to be in. so have ranted and raved enough now i bet i raised some people tempers to boil well to damn bad i tell epople waht i feel i show them me i donm't hide myself behind such fake activities such as telling my father i go and shot every time when in all acuality i don't, i only shoot maybe 25%-50% of the days i'm there, and a couple other hidden features of some people that they need to stop before it progrsses into something worse i don't know what but i know it won't be good unless you stop. see i'm not an asshole i just hate to see people who ca do domethoing with there life socaily and school wise and wastes there time with people who would be happy to hang out at the club every night all night if they could, thye don't want new experiences but things that they think they control you need to have some change in direction instead of the same old shit everyday but i guess some epo;ple are happy with being nothing or nrxt to all there life so be it thats all, now in saying that i by all means think i'm something but i have potenial and i see it and are going towards it everyday i can.

well beter news i'm gonna have a social life this semester on the prowl for young intelligent women who lie to do some of the things like i do, such as have fun and party a little, dance,etc... so i just hope that i do better this semester than last so if you know any give me a ring if you know the number

this is Meatball out ttl
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