Aug 01, 2004 22:13
so i hate people who create status is as amused because that makes me laugh...michelle knows who and what im talkin about oh look it appears im playinthe stupid lil game that everybody plays on LJ...well i wont lie tiffany and amber fuck...who cares if clark and michelle were together at the store wooahhh its a conspiracy. christ almighty. so im done bein a bitch about that moving on to other things besides who i saw in teh grocery store. i've just been workin and southern idaho was fun i really like the area so i think thats the move for me plus lots of black men lol they're so fine one of em actually asked for my number woo tryin to get another job however at michaels because i love working so having 2 jobs would just work splendid for me. today me and michelle went out to the blue lagoons and went swimming and then we came home she jumped off this ledge and i was scared she wouldnt clear luckily she did unlike drew lol silly child. oh haylas birthday was so much fun but i broke the slip n slide...thats alrite those things are fuckin fun i think ima buy another one but i think for when you are over the weight limit of 80 pounds i recommend not puttin it on the slope because you just keep goin the lil pool yeah it dont stop you and it hurts...damn poky grass. i also painted the vents in my cars cuz i was visiting with clark when he came down here and he told me about the paint he used to do his so iw ent out and copied him and i dig it. works been a lil stressful with newbie laura startin basically because like thursday becky was at lunch and erics like oh im suppose to go to lunch and we got a full lobby and laura has questions at im at drive through station and i got line out the drive through so i got people from the lobby im helpin and drive through and helpin laura and woah i was just spent. i like her though i hope she works out. school starts one month from today.!
¤...and it seems like i can finally rest my head on somethin real...i like the way that feels...and oh it seems you've known me better then i ever knew myself¤