Oct 19, 2004 13:14
junkndatrunk3 [12:40 PM]: who is gonna take
junkndatrunk3 [12:40 PM]: me cuz i liie the def tones
junkndatrunk3 [12:40 PM]: lol
junkndatrunk3 [12:40 PM]: jk jk
junkndatrunk3 [12:40 PM]: bt i do like the def tones'
Sprinkydink410 [12:40 PM]: i have noooo idea
Sprinkydink410 [12:41 PM]: he doesn't even like em
junkndatrunk3 [12:41 PM]: ah
junkndatrunk3 [12:41 PM]: do u have his sn
Sprinkydink410 [12:41 PM]: nope
junkndatrunk3 [12:41 PM]: i need to get in touch with him and gank them
junkndatrunk3 [12:41 PM]: lol
Sprinkydink410 [12:41 PM]: lol
junkndatrunk3 [12:41 PM]: im eating soup
junkndatrunk3 [12:41 PM]: when did mark go out with you guys last night
junkndatrunk3 [12:41 PM]: late?
Sprinkydink410 [12:42 PM]: yes
junkndatrunk3 [12:42 PM]: cuz i talked to him for like 2 secs at 10
Sprinkydink410 [12:42 PM]: me tim and grocho went to grassano's till like 10 then we went and picked up mark
junkndatrunk3 [12:42 PM]: lol
junkndatrunk3 [12:43 PM]: i miss grasanos
junkndatrunk3 [12:43 PM]: after the play when we come home we hzve to go there
junkndatrunk3 [12:43 PM]: lol
junkndatrunk3 [12:43 PM]: was it fun lat night though
Sprinkydink410 [12:43 PM]: i know! we do
Sprinkydink410 [12:43 PM]: yes!
junkndatrunk3 [12:44 PM]: awesom
junkndatrunk3 [12:44 PM]: im jellous
Sprinkydink410 [12:44 PM]: your boyfriend put 2 huge scratches on my car
junkndatrunk3 [12:44 PM]: :(
Sprinkydink410 [12:44 PM]: !!
junkndatrunk3 [12:44 PM]: oh no
junkndatrunk3 [12:44 PM]: how
junkndatrunk3 [12:44 PM]: why
Sprinkydink410 [12:44 PM]: yes he stole a for sale sign and we were like hurry up hurry up and he missed the inside of the car and it hit the side
junkndatrunk3 [12:44 PM]: you took alot of signs though
junkndatrunk3 [12:44 PM]: i want one so bad
Sprinkydink410 [12:44 PM]: oh yeah
Sprinkydink410 [12:45 PM]: well they have a few i believe
junkndatrunk3 [12:45 PM]: next monday night you guys should have an excursion and steal me one lol
Sprinkydink410 [12:45 PM]: they took like im not kidding 6! like the ones that make a T
Sprinkydink410 [12:45 PM]: so my car was filled with street signxs
junkndatrunk3 [12:45 PM]: love it
Sprinkydink410 [12:45 PM]: lol we wilL!
Sprinkydink410 [12:46 PM]: grocho named us the heat squad tim told me
Sprinkydink410 [12:46 PM]: are you ever gonna be home for monday night football again?
junkndatrunk3 [12:46 PM]: not until xmas
Sprinkydink410 [12:46 PM]: BECKYYYY
junkndatrunk3 [12:46 PM]: my thanksgiving break doesn't go till monday
junkndatrunk3 [12:46 PM]: KATEEEE
Sprinkydink410 [12:46 PM]: that sucks. well we're playing football on thanksgiving
junkndatrunk3 [12:47 PM]: yay
Sprinkydink410 [12:47 PM]: so that'll even it out
junkndatrunk3 [12:47 PM]: yes uit will
Sprinkydink410 [12:48 PM]: yepp
junkndatrunk3 [12:48 PM]: yay
junkndatrunk3 [12:48 PM]: im excited
Sprinkydink410 [12:49 PM]: me too! :)
Sprinkydink410 [12:49 PM]: oh my gosh...im so broke i have 11 cents in my checking acct
Sprinkydink410 [12:49 PM]: lol
junkndatrunk3 [12:49 PM]: creepy ass smily face
junkndatrunk3 [12:49 PM]: omg
Sprinkydink410 [12:49 PM]: lol
junkndatrunk3 [12:49 PM]: your crazy
Sprinkydink410 [12:49 PM]: hhheeyy
junkndatrunk3 [12:49 PM]: what the hell did you buy
Sprinkydink410 [12:50 PM]: oh hey listen up...florida this summer, you wanna go? we're staying at my aunt's villa in orlando ten mins away from disney universal and city walk its a week a huge ass condo and its 100 dollars for the week
Sprinkydink410 [12:50 PM]: mark said he'd go
junkndatrunk3 [12:50 PM]: um
junkndatrunk3 [12:50 PM]: okay?
junkndatrunk3 [12:51 PM]: i have to see when like if im free
junkndatrunk3 [12:51 PM]: and how much
junkndatrunk3 [12:51 PM]: and yada yada ydada
junkndatrunk3 [12:51 PM]: but yes
Sprinkydink410 [12:51 PM]: niceee
junkndatrunk3 [12:51 PM]: i would enjoy going
Sprinkydink410 [12:51 PM]: it's gonna be awesome
junkndatrunk3 [12:51 PM]: yay
Sprinkydink410 [12:53 PM]: oh dear, i've invited a lot of people. i hope sarz doesn't have a lot of friends lol
junkndatrunk3 [12:53 PM]: well alot of people will probably end up not going
Sprinkydink410 [12:53 PM]: true
junkndatrunk3 [12:57 PM]: mmm
junkndatrunk3 [12:57 PM]: im eating soup
Sprinkydink410 [12:57 PM]: i think i need to have an eating disorder
Sprinkydink410 [12:58 PM]: or just find some way to lose weight
junkndatrunk3 [12:58 PM]: um
junkndatrunk3 [12:58 PM]: no
junkndatrunk3 [12:58 PM]: noo
Sprinkydink410 [12:58 PM]: lol uhhh yeah
junkndatrunk3 [12:58 PM]: no no
junkndatrunk3 [12:58 PM]: your fine
Sprinkydink410 [12:58 PM]: my stomach is fat becky!
Sprinkydink410 [12:58 PM]: its soooo annoying
junkndatrunk3 [12:58 PM]: so what
junkndatrunk3 [12:58 PM]: mine is too
junkndatrunk3 [12:58 PM]: who cares
Sprinkydink410 [12:58 PM]: i go walking and stuff cause i can't just jump right in to the running thing and nothing works
junkndatrunk3 [12:58 PM]: you get fat when you grow up
junkndatrunk3 [12:58 PM]: just accept it
Sprinkydink410 [12:58 PM]: lol no damn it
Sprinkydink410 [12:59 PM]: thats like the funniet thing i've ever seen written
Sprinkydink410 [12:59 PM]: thats aim profile worthy....
junkndatrunk3 [12:59 PM]: what
junkndatrunk3 [1:00 PM]: just accept that your gonna get fat when you grow up?
Sprinkydink410 [1:00 PM]: you get fat when you grow up
Sprinkydink410 [1:00 PM]: lol yeah
junkndatrunk3 [1:00 PM]: what its true
junkndatrunk3 [1:00 PM]: you dont really see anyone get skinny who is old
Sprinkydink410 [1:00 PM]: its funny the way you phrased it
junkndatrunk3 [1:01 PM]: they just get fatter
junkndatrunk3 [1:01 PM]: its a talent what can i say
Sprinkydink410 [1:01 PM]: well its more in women cause guys have a higher metbolism
junkndatrunk3 [1:01 PM]: whatever
junkndatrunk3 [1:01 PM]: either way you get fat
junkndatrunk3 [1:01 PM]: lol
Sprinkydink410 [1:02 PM]: you're hilarious
Sprinkydink410 [1:02 PM]: lol
junkndatrunk3 [1:02 PM]: nicole is a hippie
Sprinkydink410 [1:02 PM]: i know!
junkndatrunk3 [1:02 PM]: thankyou
Sprinkydink410 [1:02 PM]: hey i got another job as a babysitter for a lady i used to work with
junkndatrunk3 [1:02 PM]: she was telling me how i need to take herbal things to keep my imune system up
junkndatrunk3 [1:02 PM]: oh good
junkndatrunk3 [1:03 PM]: those kids are gonna be dead in a week
junkndatrunk3 [1:03 PM]: lol
junkndatrunk3 [1:03 PM]: jk jk
Sprinkydink410 [1:03 PM]: becky, thats not a hippie speaking, its common sense
junkndatrunk3 [1:03 PM]: herbal suppliments
junkndatrunk3 [1:03 PM]: =hippie
junkndatrunk3 [1:03 PM]: your a hippie too then kate
junkndatrunk3 [1:03 PM]: lol
Sprinkydink410 [1:03 PM]: lol nooooo im not
Sprinkydink410 [1:03 PM]: im neurotic
junkndatrunk3 [1:03 PM]: and a hiipie
Sprinkydink410 [1:03 PM]: ...
Sprinkydink410 [1:03 PM]: no damn it
junkndatrunk3 [1:03 PM]: herbal supliments are symptoms of a hippie
Sprinkydink410 [1:06 PM]: becky are you dumb??
Sprinkydink410 [1:06 PM]: you can't diagnose someone as a hippy
Sprinkydink410 [1:06 PM]: and learn how to spell hippy
Sprinkydink410 [1:06 PM]: this whole conversation is going in my livejournal
junkndatrunk3 [1:07 PM]: whatever
junkndatrunk3 [1:07 PM]: she is a hippie
junkndatrunk3 [1:07 PM]: look at herclothes
junkndatrunk3 [1:07 PM]: those ugly broches she has
junkndatrunk3 [1:07 PM]: she medditates
junkndatrunk3 [1:07 PM]: her hippie jewlery
junkndatrunk3 [1:08 PM]: she thinks its "in fashion"
Sprinkydink410 [1:08 PM]: becky knock it off!
junkndatrunk3 [1:08 PM]: what
junkndatrunk3 [1:08 PM]: shes watching me do it
junkndatrunk3 [1:08 PM]: it sfunny
Sprinkydink410 [1:08 PM]: you're soooo mean
Sprinkydink410 [1:08 PM]: lol
junkndatrunk3 [1:08 PM]: okay im gonna be right back
Sprinkydink410 [1:08 PM]: j
Sprinkydink410 [1:08 PM]: k
junkndatrunk3 [1:08 PM]: im gonna go get some yummies'
Sprinkydink410 [1:08 PM]: becky don't eat
junkndatrunk3 [1:19 PM]: yummy food
Sprinkydink410 [1:19 PM]: oh dear
Sprinkydink410 [1:19 PM]: what did you eat?
junkndatrunk3 [1:19 PM]: no
junkndatrunk3 [1:19 PM]: oh becky
junkndatrunk3 [1:19 PM]: not dear
Sprinkydink410 [1:19 PM]: lol
junkndatrunk3 [1:19 PM]: my name is becky
junkndatrunk3 [1:19 PM]: soup
Sprinkydink410 [1:20 PM]: i thought you already ate soup
junkndatrunk3 [1:20 PM]: got more
junkndatrunk3 [1:25 PM]: check out my away messafge
Sprinkydink410 [1:25 PM]: oaky
Auto response from junkndatrunk3 [1:25 PM]: TOP 5 REASONS WHY NICOLE IS A HIPPIE:
1) she takes herbal suppliments
2)her big brown hippie jewlery
3)her ugly flowered hippie clothes
4)she meditates
5)that ugly 1940's grandma jacket
Sprinkydink410 [1:25 PM]: nice becky
junkndatrunk3 [1:25 PM]: i know
junkndatrunk3 [1:25 PM]: im so funny
junkndatrunk3 [1:26 PM]: but im gonna take a nap now
junkndatrunk3 [1:26 PM]: night night
Sprinkydink410 [1:26 PM]: alright sleept gith
Hello all. I haven't written in forever...So I figured I'd start out with a conversation with Becky. I miss her! I miss her saying all the weird stuff she used to say in person.
Anyways...So haha, last night was like the funnest night I've had in forever. Couldn't have spent it with three cooler guys, Tim, Mark and Grocho. They are possibly the funnest people to ever hang out with on a Monday night and pull lots of Shennanigans with. So it starts like this...
Tim and Grocho come over, pick me up, we head to Grassano's. Talk about animals and how animal abuse is wrong and there should be harsher punishments for it. We get our food. We talk, its fun. Mark calls. Grocho talks to Mark, I talk to Mark, Tim talks to Mark. We go pick Mark up cause we're gonna play pool. Then we go to the Billiard place, decide not to play, Grocho, crazy Mexican, steals Tim's car, then gives it back. Washroom break, decide to pull shennanigans. Mark and Grocho stole a horse...On the way to my house we took a computer monitor. Then we changed cars...went driving around...found another ...ya know I don't feel like explaining everything. The guys stole street signs and a cop just missed seeing them take it and then we kept driving...and Grocho won deftones tickets cause he called Q101 and told them what he got tickets for. It was funny. Mark you owe me $500 for those scratches!! That is it...and I am kinda kidding...Actually, just kidding!