POTC Report and misc

Jul 10, 2006 09:16

** I am such a goddess that I won $11.50 at golf league last night for a longest putt pin event!! WoOT!!

So it was an interesting, busy weekend. We had to go to an out of town wedding on Saturday, but chose to just drive down and back, which wasn't that bad - I brought the laptop and wrote porn in the car. It was an outdoor ceremony and the weather was just perfect for it, which I was really glad for. Then, as it was turning substantially hotter, we all got to go hang out in the airconditioned Masonic lodge for the reception.

The ceremony was cute - and a little tongue in cheek. The whole wedding party wore shades, with the bride's being bridal white cats-eye sunglasses, very cute. And the bride's maids carried Marilyn Monroe bustier purses instead of bouquets. In fact, the bride had a purse instead of a bouquet too....A little odd, but interesting, and I guess fairly practical. I think she was going for sort of a movie theme...everything was black and white. The reception was a study in good old fashioned small town cooking and, OMG, the best rolls EVER.

Over all, a pretty nice time. Though I couldn't stop myself from shuddering when the bride vowed to "submit to [her husband's] headship". Hmm..no, not my thing. Hope it works out for her.

There seem to be a lot of mixed feelings about POTC2, but I LOVED IT!! I thought it was just fabulous!! My god, it was so much fun. Now, my husband points out (and he's totally right) that the reason it's so good is that it builds heavily on the first movie. There's a ton of references and inside jokes and just...all kinds of great stuff. (And anyone who knows me, knows that I will carry an inside joke long after no one else thinks it's funny anymore)

I was SO THRILLED to see Norrington getting to be all bad-ass and wicked. God that was great! I'm really interested to see what part he plays in the last movie.

Someone somewhere said they didn't think that there was much to push slash buttons, but I remember sitting in the theater thinking, "Man, there's not a shipper out there that's not getting some new mileage out of this film!"

And there was whipping at the mast....*swoons* I mean, whoa. YUM!! (And I know someone who's just going to DIE over that....Hmm, Sunshine?)(Perhaps not quite the look you were hoping for in Bootstrap...but you gotta LOVE the dynamics...)

And the LOOK of the film...just WOW. Davy's....organ room? Stunning. The voodoo priestess's home was wonderful. Davy's crew!! They were totally cool.

I don't care what other people say - I thought it was just incredible and I can't wait for the next one!!

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