Office boss completely put me on the spot this afternoon and asked what film won best picture Oscar this year! Luckily I didn't gape at him whilst my brain cogs were turning, and remembered quickly enough so I didn't look gormless but hopefully a bit impressive.
That was probably the highlight of my day, as I just turned into a bit of a Negative Nellie with a bit of a downward spiral after having a stupid thing at lunch.
I didn't know the total cost of my sushi ( I got a free item with my loyalty card but wasn't sure which one it applied to) and the till didn't display it. So I just felt like a div, asking her to repeat it several times.
It's just simple things that really throw me sometimes, like my old doctors office doors were heavy thick wood (no panels) and you would have to knock to go in but I wouldn't be able to hear them say enter or come in? so i'd stand in the hallway debating whether to go in or not. Same at uni and sixth form. Actually at uni, I'd just knock and then open the door really quickly, haha.
Luckily in the media world where I've worked, there's a lot of glass doors and open plan-ness!
there was more to my bad mood but ugh, don't really want to get into it now. Will sleep and write a post tomorrow about how lovely my birthday was! New day, new slate.
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