I love Rian Johnson! He is very true to his word, hugging me very exuberantly to ensure my date was a success, haha, bless him. I love meeting writers and directors who are very inspirational and approachable.
Rian signed my Brick ad that Nora Zehetner also signed, and the fantastic ad that his cousin, Zach drew for The Brothers Bloom.
Rian's website and tumblr is fantastic for the sheer amount of arty photos he puts up.
Also got my two movie mags on the same day again. Same subject cover but I think Empire wins. What do you think? I feel like there's too many conflicting things in the background with three separate areas in the Total Film one.
As far as the date went, I was a little bit late due to delays on the trains, grrr. Met Kieran who is really lovely and very sweet, we spent ages talking about film afterwards which was a lot of fun. Might have a film buddy, yay! We'll see.