My driving was interesting today, I experienced traffic lights, big roundabouts, mini roundabouts and some different junctions. Stalled a few times, once on a hill start which was awful and I didn't know what to do, argh! I'll just improve as it goes on hopefully.
I just love seeing movie production photos, on set photos. Here's two sets, one from Equilibrium and one from Romancing The Stone.
It is so unnerving seeing Christian Bale smile in the setting of Equilibrium, what a great film it was, so many amazing set designs and the lighting, all gorgeous. Plus the casting of Bale, Sean Bean and Taye Diggs!
CreepyAwesome family portrait is creepy!awesome!
Found them on a
great Equilibrium fan website. These two are production photos from Romancing The Stone which I've never seen but I want to.
Kathleen said they had an affair as she thought Michael's marriage was over but his wife turned up to the set so they broke it off.
sizzle, sizzle
Two cute photos from Sundance at the Myspace cafe,
Spike Lee in his cute hat
and Guillermo Del Toro, with his eyes hugely magnified behind his glasses, bless. A cameo by Alfonso Cuaron's finger too!
I can't believe Oh No They Didn't actually broke LJ's limit for comments received to a community, EVER and LJ didn't know what to do! Epic!Gossip is epic!
Click the thumbnails for the bigger page.