did you know god has a dad?

Apr 07, 2007 05:34

so my title has changed and eventually you'll see why... but heres a snipit of Laws(tho refered to as laws in the text, its doctine and convenants) according to the bible of jesus christ of later day saints. i chose this mostly because it was the first to give me more of what i was looking for, but it has only been around since about 1870 i'd say. but its interesting and can't be straying too far, cept maybe the part where one person appointed by god can marry a person to more than one other. i'll look into that another day.. but heres the direct quote "I am the Lord thy God, and will give unto thee the alaw of my Holy Priesthood, as was ordained by me and my Father before the world was." does god have a mommy then?

at least to me as all the days seem to be the same cept somepoint twice a week i have to leave to go to a class where i see a friend and a crush/sorta friend i guess. i'd like to call him the guy i'm dating or my boyfriend/beau my boo lol (i could never say that seriously unless i say booboo and talking about a hurt place or whatever, cut/bruise what have you. anyways.. i wouldn't mind calling him god/jesus a few times a week/day/ever. haha that was dirty i apologize ha ha. anyways. i know how i'm usually mind in the gutter and all that junk, cause its true most of the time i take things that aren't meant to be but happen to sound sexual and maybe giggle or repeat it back so the person hears what they had said then giggle.. i giggle cause cracking up is rare with dirty thoughts with me. only i can really make myself laugh til i cry, if others do and i wasn't tired it must have been at least some what funny to most people?

anyways. so i've been thinking about all kinds of relationships lately since that was what we talk about a lot in class, sociology. wednesday was about like love relationships all the dif kinds and what certain ones are classified under. and my professor said something that offended me, so i spoke up cause it would just build up inside until i really got mad and said something later.. so i spoke up after he was finished talking about how he approves of gay/lesbian/bi/transgendered relationships. but i mean most of the people i know either aren't bothered by it cause they could care less, support glbt folks, or aren't against but dont understand it. But he said he's not comfortable calling two gay people MARRIED.. but he doesn't mind them together. but then he went on to sort of explain himself. talking about the historical use of the word and how it meant for men and women and thats how its always been, when the day before he was talking about how most people view god as a male and he himself has some sort of belief probably catholic as his parents are from italy but thats my assumption, but def a christian faith. and when he mentioned god he's like but god is also called a spirit and spirits dont have gentails...

back to what sorta set me off in a calm/intelligant way. i said to him, i mentioned to him that historically homosexuality was not excepted in most cultures maybe more so globally unexcepted especially when it came to love and companionship. cause although i've never read (or remember reading) that soldiers sometime ago use to have sex with each other to make them fight harder for them or same them whatever. but i do know that man/boy love was excepted in greece ancient or whenever. i know that is fact or at least alledged by a whole lotta shit/people/text whatever. my point is obviously back when marriage was formed as a word given a meaning or the other way around, people needed to be married to procreate who can procreate men and women can, well at least you need a manly and womenly componant to make a child. no stork here folks.. so obviously the word is going to be use only applying to man and women as most gay people decades ago try to keep it a secret from most people, lets think back centuries ago where religion was basically like law for some i dont know that much about history specifics mostly, but besides that like in early time america which as we all know wasn't too long ago we hung people for thinking they were witches/pagans. granted it was a certain town in MA an di can't speak for all places anywhere. but i brought up this point without all of the examples except ancient greece with nothing further cause i didn't want to be innappropriate cause i could have slipped up, so he then asked if anyone was offended by his statement and i raised my hand and explained i was offended because why should gay people have a dif term when in MA especially they get full rights as a heterosexual couple. so why a dif term. and i told him when i hear marriage i think of two PEOPLE agreeing/committing to share their lives, and i also said it again but in my own terms lol"ok i'll spend uh forever with you" normally if i were speaking as myself i would have said "attempt to stay with you forever, cause ya know shit happens?" so anyway i explained the fact he couldn't except calling to people of non heterosexual lifestyles commitment to being together forever marriage, but we should call it something else? wtf?!?!?!! so to me thats whats offensive why he can't imagine or seeing fit for it to be called a marriage. i mean how long have marriage lisences been around? probably not as long as people have been getting married and where do you get married when you dont have a court esp back in the day, a place of religion of by someone that worked for ya know big guns or whoever.and he and some classmates thought of just changing the word all together?? but its still wrong and even more of an insult and not justto straight people but esp to the glbt community. i mean if i ever want to make a relationship i have basically try to make it last as long as possible or start a family(not that i would need that but whatever), or feel the need to get that "piece of paper" and take their name or have them take my name, or even make sure they can legally visit me in the hospital and if i go before i write a will they will be ok or anything that is really go gain from legal marriage, i want it to be called a marriage, i want to say i'm getting married. not unified or whatever else people suggested. would you have to change wedding? tho i'm actually looking up the definitions for both.

*i am actually looking way further than plained but i found this to be a ironic at least to me. "8 Behold, mine house is a house of aorder, saith the Lord God, and not a house of confusion. " its from the laws of marriage via the bible for jesus christ and latter day saints. well doctoranes and convenants are the actual terms used. also if you marry any way other than in their church in heaven you become an angel and not a god.... what a punishment eh?anyways*

i'll leave my point and maybe comment the old meanings of the word so far i haven't found any that said "marriage is two people a man and a women, or it can only be or that a man cannot marry a man." as of yet. so far in the whole section on the laws of marriage and random passages where marriage or marry is used is only used as a verb. when a man marry a women. or a person is set to marry. in fact i found one thing that may be further explained and i just haven't read all the fine print ;) but this in my words a marriage not of gods doing is not recognized here or in the eternal life) therefor they will become angels and not gods. and angels are pretty awesome if you can be a god, but then theres more than one god according to this bible. hmmmm... maybe i should have read this bible while i still had it cause my aunt was mormon for a while and gave us one. tho i didn't believe in anything long ago, then i was stubborn. now i'm more so interested in how people can believe something whole heartedly even if they were raised that way. sooo many questionsss arise than answered here. so i'll leave you with a conclusion..

in sociology tho i dont know exact terms i do know the meanings, and tho i dont know who said what i know what was said and not all sociologists agree. but i have learned that you should question things especially things that involve your life or even more so others whom you may never meet or know anyone like them in anyway. and things that are just soo like why men are generally regarded more than women whether in the home or jobs or anything and vice versa when we think of gender roles? and tho some of my generation are a lil more understanding or rather tolerant(i hate that word when referring to people's life styles of any sort, or certain behaviors tho there really are some exceptions but those can vary person to person) if we can't understand,dont know anything or enough to make an opinion,dislike based on one thing or anything like this. we should ask ourselves why? i dont understand how you can hate someone you know nothing about especially jsut because of what god theydo or dont believe in or who they fall in love with and choose to spend their lives with whether it be long or short, or a way one culture lives and we dont understand since we were made to be excepting of all religions, that was the reason some english came over to start new lives. even if they meant other than just what was forced for them in england, its in our constitution. so if you dont get it ask someone who might know or and tell you where/who you can find out more look online( try to find a more reliable source, wilipedia i dont reccomend for anything other than maybe movies or celebs whatever cause you can add your own meaning or info stuff like that).

to me organized religion doesn't make sense cause i dont understand how EVERYONE is suppose to understand and agree with something when i have a class with 20 some odd people and we never have the same opinion or feelings on anything...

but i some what envy those who "know theres a god" and even just really believe in god and stuff mostly because they can believe in something soooo much that they have no proof but what they make of life, and it gives them understanding and they'll always have something to turn to.

as for myself i dont talk about what i do and dont believe, but i think there has to be more to life and the world *and maybe planets too but dont think about them soo much. i miss pluto.* then just living then dying, but it could be. but i really wont KNOW until i die, i dont know about jesus, i believe he was a real guy but i dunno about the whole immaculate conception cause to me it makes no sense for her to not be near semen when she got knocked up..i know you can get pregnant without penetration, maybe mary was into anal(sorry if i offend anyone, its just a theory. tho i should see if anal sex is a sin, even after marriage lol not like it matters i'll never be a god in this religion, but i want wings and like a boss so its not all my fault ha ha). but i mean once i'm gone i can't fix it so i'll deal with whatever does or doesn't happen maybe satan's buffetting isn't so bad. tho hell i have a whole other entry for?

so whether your for or against gay/lesbian/transgenered marriage because of religion is one thing, under the eye of god those who do blaphemis things will be punished by god and you know that so as long as you dont allow your churches to do the ceremony its ok for you guys, they never said they'd punish someone for doing them and i haven't read anything about a guy marrying another guy or women other than to procreate. i think theres enough people in the world right now and we should help children who dont have homes with people who can care for them properly but more importantly raise them,love them and always be there for them(unless youdie then i dunno, maybe watch over then if there is a heaven?) tho i'm not against having a child of my own one day (tho my spouse would have to have next to nothing medically wrong so our children aren't doomed for eye surgery or arthritis(most of it earlyish) and whatever else is wrong with my family or myself lol... so we'll see on that one, maybe i could handle just one lil half of me walking this earth.but i'd like to adobt tho i'm not sure i'd ever be finacially stable enough.

ok the ENDDDDDDD of this post
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