May 28, 2008 18:38
My boss is hilarious. Hands down.
Nothing is really going on today. I made cookies last night and took them to work and everyone adored them. I knew I wasnt that bad of a cook. I came home to nap but its not really happening for me so I took a nice shower instead. Mmmm shower. Im going to put on some make up and grab some food with my roomies and then work on a project.
I start school again next Friday. I am kinda excited but I really just want to get everything over with. I am thinking of taking a lot of flex classes these next few semesters. Get my GPA back up and what not. I work best under pressure anyways.
I dont understand why everyone i trying to freeze me out, literally. At the office it is always so cold and G & B love keeping this apartment frosty. I freeze everywhere I go. Except when they arent home and I turn the air off. Then its nice and warm even when I am wearing nothing. Which is quite a bit.
Lets add that as another thing a guy I meet has to have. The ability to be warm even when naked. Not HOT cause that calls for the air conditioner. Just warm.
Because of Mike I am watching a lot of invader zim. It makes me want to make room for cupcakes in my head. Mmm cupcakes.