Jan 07, 2007 23:11
Its that time again. I have an afro and boy aint it grand. My hair has grown so damn much! its like WOW...so im spending a week in an afro giving my hair a rest and then maybe braids again or just a relaxer.
My prob is i love having hair down to my butt and even though my hair is now almost shoulder length I still want it at my butt. So I get braids and i love them except for when its time to take them out and then i HATE THEM. But im not rich enough to get Fusion weave so alas.
anyways enough about my afro.
My BIRTHDAY is the 13. <~~~Excited.
Im probably going to be negative when I get my paycheck but it doesnt matter too* much because it will be the biggest pay check I have ever received in my entire life! *squee* being a hard working girl is aight by me.
Im going to go enjoy my kitties and think about cute 60/70's outfits i can throw together for this week. Any suggestions are welcome!!!
~ d