(no subject)

Jul 26, 2005 23:30

The Rules;
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview Me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others asking to be interviewed comment, you will ask them five questions.

- Q&A from heather_duffy
1. How has motherhood changed you? Becoming a mother has helped me learn patience, as well as unselfishness. You take life more seriously, knowing that there is someone always depending on you. I've learned to live for someone else, instead of living for my own selffish reasons. I love what being a mother has taught me, and I wouldn't/couldn't change it.
2. If you could go anywhere for your Honeymoon, where would you go and why? I'm really not very picky about that. I have always dreamt of going on a Caribbean cruise. I wouldn't mind somewhere that had a little privacy either. ;)
3. What is your biggest regret in life, and if you could go back and change it, would you? You should know that answer to that. I wish I would have never done what I had to you. You were my best friend for so long, and I screwed it all up .... over a boy. I know that we would have been so much closer than we are now, had I not acted so immaturely. And yes, I would go back and change it, because I lost one of the best friends I ever had. You are one of the most beautiful people I know, both inside and out. But I can always look back on karaoke, Barbies, Polly Pockets and Hanson -haha.
4. If you could pick one moment in your life that you could make time stand still what moment would you go back to and why? The moment Jayden was born and I saw him for the first time. There were so many emotions running through me ... I was soo happy, but at the same time scared to death. I felt so proud to have such a beautiful/healthy baby boy, but I felt so much guilt, because I was sure I was gonna screw up somewhere down the road. I was glad to see that he was here and everyone loved him, but I wanted him back in my belly so that he could be all mine again. Every single emotion you could possibly imagine (minus anything violent -lol) runs through you and you just can't control the tears. It's an overwhelming experience.
5. Do you feel that high school has prepared you for the "real world" or do you feel that you learned more just experiencing it on your own? I don't think high school prepares you entirely for the "real world." I think it only prepares you for the gossip that is magnified 100x compared to high school. I have learned so much more on my own. Most of it has been the hard way, but I don't mind that. It makes you appreciate what you have.

-Q&A from christy_lee
1. Your one wish for Jayden. To follow his heart in every decision he makes. Whether or not I support these decisions, I want him to do what feels right to him. Even if I'm right and he's wrong, at least he won't have any regrets about not doing/trying something. I have regrets to this day that haunt me. I don't want that to happen to him.
2. What would your "dream" wedding include? Well, I've already showed everyone my dream wedding dress. I would love to get married outdoors, and have my reception in a ballroom with extremely high ceilings. I have already decided on deep red as my main decorative color/flower ... with hot pink, a tiny bit of orange/purple, and white accent colors/flowers. Lots of candles, lots of flower petals, 'The Notebook' themed music playing. Gosh, I could go on and on.
3. Do you want more kids someday? Why or why not? Definitely YES! I want five, yes five, kids. But Calvin only wants one more, at least I think so. Unless we have a girl first ... then he wants to keep trying for a boy -lol. Kids are just so ... I can't think of the word right now. But when I'm with Jayden, I forget about all my worries. When he smiles, all I can do is smile. When he laughs, all I can do is laugh. I love being around him. I can't imagine what it will be like to have more!?
4. Biggest pet peeve. I really can't think of anything -lol.
5. Sum of yours and Calvins relationship in a quote or song. Well that's what we do, we fight. You tell me when I'm being an arrogant son of a bitch and I tell you when you're being a pain in the ass. Which you are 99 percent of the time. I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have like a 2 second rebound rate and your back to doing the next pain in the ass thing. So its not going to be easy, we're going to have to work at this everyday. Because I want you .. I want all of you forever .. You and me everyday. -Noah (The Notebook)

Well, everyone have a good nite/day, whatever.
I'm going to bed.
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