Dec 24, 2004 21:59
Well, not really. As years pass, I feel the holiday spirit less and less. The only decorations you'll see at my house would be the christmas lights that go around the roof outside and I think they're up all year round so blah. It's kinda sad. I used always look forward to our gorgeous tree drapped in crystals and red ribbons and homemade decor. Now, my house is bear. No tree, no gifts, no nothing. Nothing special. Not even our old tradition of my mom's superb baked macarroni and stuffed chicken (?) at least I think it's a chicken. We don't even have our home made strawberry cheese cake. Year by year... Christmas becomes less and less special for me. Little by little the traditions fade away and pretty soon, Christmas won't exist for me.
Isn't that sad? There's nothing here. I'll be staying up just waiting to eat any old meal I can have any time of the year. We're not even visiting my granny tomorrow like we're supposed to every year.
AND! I'm not gonna be here for New Year.
This has to be the worst christmas ever. Doesn't feel like christmas at all. Here's hoping New Year is way better than this. :,(