(no subject)

Aug 06, 2007 01:04

I'm SERIOUS about that!!!! I know I have been more than HORRIBLE about keeping in touch, especially this year. There are many reasons I could site as excuses but that is crap. I miss everyone. It seems the friends that I had close by have all gone far (or at least a lot further) away and that hurts. The incredible friends (most but not ALL and love to those that know who you are)I had on-line seem to have drifted into silence and that hurts more than I really ever expected it to. I have never been a person that enjoys a lot of 'alone time' and my friends have ALWAYS been so VERY important to me, ALWAYS!

I take full responsibility for what I have not done but............ I guess this is going to come off as self-pity time but I do not want it to. Each of us needs others to survive and flourish. If there is a small tug at your heart after reading this (and usually those types of tugs come with specific names) then reach out to them and get them BACK into your life!

MUCH LOVE AND HUGS TO ALL (with some naughty thrown in for good measure. We do have to have FUN after all don't we???)!!!!
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