Jul 13, 2008 17:24
So there comes a point in every run when you turn into a Nike ad - you find you're running alongside a version of yourself who just wants to walk the rest of the way. Ideally, you choose to keep going and leave your other self behind. With 2 kilometers left at this morning's One La Salle run at The Fort, and with the strong rainfall adding just as much drama as challenge, I was ready for my Nike ad moment.
And then I started to see the finish line. I assumed it was a finish line for the 3k Fun Run and a halfway point for the 5k but as I crossed it, my number was taken and my time recorded. Turns out, the accidentally redirected 5k runners to the 3k route. This outraged many 5k runners. Including me, I guess. Trained for so long, got up so early only to run a 3k, and robbed of my super-dramatic Nike ad moment. :(