Jun 03, 2009 02:04
I’ve got friends, shocking right, they come to me for advice on their romantic relationships… why, I’m not sure I’ve suffered from being emotionally retarded most of my life and have always had a problem telling people I dig the truth about most anything. So here is me rambling about the latest situation I was asked about… or at least a snapshot of the conversation that lasted for hours.
Friend X has always identified as a straight woman, and friend Y has always identified as a gay woman. After a while they both start to realize that they’re totally digging each other, friend Y only slightly more used to this feeling but may be a bit torn up still due to her previous relationship of 5 years ending a couple months before these feelings for friend X started coming out. Friend X is a bit freaked at the idea of being into a woman but eventually gets used to the idea quickly.
After a month of their dating they’re proclaiming their love for each other, the couple as friends for the last 8 months have gone through a lot together and know each other pretty well and are comfortable saying their “I love you’s”. I gotta add in its adorable watching them, they’re so cute together you kinda wanna punch babies for being ugly.
The honeymoon’s over? Friend Y, getting relationship couching from a certified source starts entertaining the idea that Friend X is only going through an experimental phase which creates a lot of fear in her. Friend X is adamant that she is in this for the long haul and that just because she’s always before only been attracted to men doesn’t make this feeling she has for Friend Y any less real.
I ask you loyal readers, ha what a joke…
Is it possible for people to treat love as an emotion for another person or will it always be constrained to gender/race/age/or the sexual identity that we’ve been told was right for us, or that we previously chose as being right for us?
Why can’t we just love another person and let them love us?