Title: Sunday Mail
Author : Miya Morana (
Fandom: Supernatural
Beta :
morganoconnerPairing: Sam/Castiel, Sam/Dean/Castiel
Rating: NC-17
Summary: When Dean discovers three packages adressed to Sam, Castiel and him on the doorstep of their motel room, he immediately calls the angel. But Castiel is just as clueless as the Winchesters regarding the dolls they find Inside - dolls that look exactly like them. As Sam and Castiel set off to Bobby’s in search of a lead regarding the dolls’ purpose and origins, Dean stays to keep an eye on the mini-them…
Warning : Incest
Disclaimer: I own nothing, blah, blah, blah, you know the rest.
Word Count: 5224
A/N: Written for
spn_reversebang from
this drawing by
lilchibibunny. She made amazing additional art for this fic,
here it is! (SPOILERS FOR THE FIC)
Sunday Mail