Title: Nightmares
lilchibibunnyRating: R
Word Count: 7,321
Characters/Pairing: Sam-centric, Sam/Castiel and Dean is hanging around too.
Disclaimer: Characters to Kripke and the CW.
Spoilers: I would say until mid-season; it references the plot of season 5 but no major spoilers.
Warnings: Disturbing imagery, cursing
Summary: Sam is hearing voices. Whenever he's around Castiel, they go away. But how long will that last?
Author's Note: Wrote a drabble at work which I showed to
allhisengines who eventually gave me enough encouragement to give it a go and flesh it out into this. It wasn't meant to be as creepy as it got, it was supposed to be way shorter, and Dean definitely wasn't supposed to be in it so much, but I guess it got a little away from me. I like how it came out anyway. <3
Dean has never been one to have to weird mental shit happen to him. That was always Sam’s ball of wax.)