So I wrote this and have been told to post it because it was kind of good.
Title: Whiskey and Tequila
lilchibibunnyRating: NC-17
Characters/Pairing: Sam/Castiel, small mention of Dean
Disclaimer: Characters to Kripke and the CW.
Spoilers: Up to 5X17.
Warnings: Drinking, Seeeeeeeex
Summary: Drinking to cure an angel's hangover only leads to someone losing their pants.
Author's Note: Wrote this for an anon's prompt in
spnkink_meme at three in the morning. Have decided to de-anon myself due to
cristiline's suggestion. PLZ FORGIVE ME. D: I DID THE BEST I COULD, GUISE.
'I am doing this,' he slurs, 'and you will shut up and like it.' He leans forward and rasps into Sam's ear, 'I do not want words coming out of your mouth, Sam Winchester.')