Glory, Grace and God (Sam/Cas - PG-13)

May 23, 2014 01:26

Title: Glory, Grace and God
Pairing: Castiel/Sam
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 331
Warnings: Nothing major, just some angst.
Disclaimer: If they were mine, they'd hug a lot more.
Summary: Castiel had felt closer to glory in that moment than he had in years.
A/N: I'm relatively new to this fandom, but I really want to partake in the Big Bang. This is my practice run to see if I can actually pull Sastiel off yet :P (These tags are awesome btw)


rating:pg-13, cas & sam sitting in a tree, castiel, sassy, sam, srs bsns is srs, supernatural, fanfic, cas needs hugs damnit, angst

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