Title: Lessons
septembers_codaRating: NC-17, for sex
Pairings: Sam/Castiel
Characters: Sam Winchester, Castiel. Dean is mentioned, but not present.
Genre: Romance, erotica, plot what plot
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Not many; you should probably be familiar with the events leading up to Season 5 episode 3, Free to Be You and Me.
Word Count: ~6,000
Disclaimer: Don’t own Supernatural or these divine characters and make no profit from this.
Summary: Sam is on his own, lonely and guilt-ridden, but determined not to return to Dean and hunting, and he’ll never be Lucifer’s vessel. But what torments him most is the sudden, extremely unexpected onslaught of erotic dreams about a certain trenchcoat-sporting angel of his acquaintance.
Lessons Notes: I really just wanted to write some more hot Sassy action. This is less graphic than most porn without plot (though more graphic than anything I’ve written before), but… not much really happens, so I guess the tag still applies. :-) Also: I love posting here, because choosing the tags is so fun. <3