Scars and Torn Feathers (1-3)

Oct 03, 2012 20:02

Scars and Torn Feathers
By fluffybunnies56
Rated PG-13 
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or any of the characters within.
Summary: John isn't happy when he's raised from the dead to find his youngest son has taken up with an angel; a male angel. He has to push his prejudice aside when Sam disappears and they need Cas's help. Cas's wings were mangled and torn by his brothers when he fell, but he swears to himself that when he saves Sam, he'll stop hiding his scars to show Sam how much he honestly loves him.
Chapter 1A:
Chapter 1B:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:

rating:pg-13, hurt/comfort, fic, sam/castiel

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