Title: Myself Reflected In You
Summary: AU to 5.04. After Lucifer kills Dean, Sam manages to wrest back control of his own body. The world stops ending, people start putting things back in order. Alone together amidst a society that's trying to rebuild itself, Sam and Cas -the sole survivor of the kamikaze assault on the Jackson County Sanatorium- retreat back to Camp Chitaqua, where they've managed to build a semblance of a life together. Now, more than a year later, they're still trying to glue back the pieces of lives that have been irretrievably shattered.
Characters: Sam/Cas
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 5,681
Disclaimer: I tried to make them all mine, but Sera hung onto them and growled at me, so I decided discretion was the better part of valour. ;)
Warnings: Uh, there's a situation that I'm going to classify as dub-con in order to err on the side of caution. At the very least, it qualifies as unhappy sex. There's angst. Aaaaaangst. Oh God, there's angst. And lots of recreational drug use. Sick!Sam. Oh, and kittens. Because kittens totally deserve their own warning.
I AM LATE. Oh God. /o\ I am SO SORRY. Um, but I wrote it anyway? Thank God
13chapters is understanding. Gaaaaaaah. This story fought me for every inch once I got close to the end.
More neurotic author's notes and apologizing at my LJ. Oh, and the fic is there, too. :P
(Myself Reflected In You)