Doctor Who drabble for yourebrilliant

May 14, 2009 00:19

Title: Cioccolato
Written for: yourebrilliant for the drabble meme, who asked for domestic Ten/Rose, no smut
Beta: The awesome xebgoc
Word count: 100, as drabbles go
Summary: "There you go!" The Doctor leaned against the TARDIS door as Rose turned circles on the tarmac.

"There you go!" The Doctor leaned against the TARDIS door as Rose turned circles on the tarmac. It was decidedly colorful with bright orange, yellow and blue everywhere. The streamers announced Festival! Come celebrate!

"Where are we?" Rose turned back to him, eyes curious. "What are they celebrating?"

"Cioccolato, year 9999. Universe's largest sweets festival is beginning, most famous as well. The end of this festival leads into the New Years celebrations."

She smiled brightly, tongue between her teeth, and she headed for the closest vendor.

Rose Tyler was already thinking of ways the Doctor would be rewarded later.

doctor who, drabble, ten/rose

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