After signing up for H/D Big Bang and committing to that - I swore I was not going to write anything else this year. Then Remix announced it was going to run and there was a fic I'd been itching to remix. So, with the author's permission to remix his fic, I signed up. Here's my submission and I have to say, I quite like it. And while you don't have to read the original fic, I suggest you do.
Author: sassy_cissa
Title: Living for a dream...loving for a moment
Rating: R
Warnings: open ending (but hopeful)
Summary: Harry’s feelings for Draco have always been the one thing he couldn’t control. It’s always been Draco; Always. But the relationship in reality is far more than Harry hoped, and that terrifies him more than he’d ever imagined.
Work being remixed:
One of His Few Treasures by timothysboxers (R, 3.5k)
Word Count: 10.5k
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's notes: First of all, thank you to the amazing timothysboxers for allowing me to remix your brilliant fic. The moment I read your story, I had an itch to tell it from Harry’s POV. It was more difficult than I ever imagined. lol I hope you enjoy how I imagined Harry’s side of the story would be.
Next, to my B-friend, brilliant beta and without whom this fic would never have been finished...really.
And to the Remix mods for their patience with me when life was a bit more complicated than planned.
The title and the lyrics are from the song The Search is Over by Survivor (yes, I’m old)
Read it on AO3:
Living for a dream...loving for a moment