Meme: my favorite fanfic from each year

Jul 14, 2019 22:38

After I posted my list of top fanfics by number of kudos for every year, sereneione asked if I'd consider listing my favorites for each year. Here's that list.

Quite a Welcome
Summary: Draco knows how to get just what he wants from Harry.

This is my favourite for 2007 because it's just fun and completely PWP - which I don't do often.

The Reason
Summary: Words don't come easy to Harry.

This is my favourite for 2008 - although it's in the same universe as "For Better or For Buttercream" - I just like the tone of it.

Scenes From a Remarkable Marriage
Summary: To most people, Hermione Granger and Severus Snape were an unlikely couple. But Minerva McGonagall had been in a position to know them both well, and saw what others could not.

NOTE: This is SS/HG - I posted it to AO3 in 2012 so the stats show for that year, but it was written in 2009. It was my first attempt at this pairing and I'm very proud of it.

Of Secrets and Wine
Summary: Take one meddling dead ex-Headmaster, add in one living no-nonsense Headmistress, and one guy who's supposed to be dead. Mix in one determined, know-it-all witch who refuses to take 'no' for an answer and you come up with... this fic.

NOTE: This is SS/HG - I posted it to AO3 in 2014 so the stats show for that year, but it was written in 2010. I just like it because it was out of my comfort zone to write this pairing again.

I had nothing posted for this year - but this is actually the only story I wrote in 2011 of any substance - so here it is:
Chosing Hope
Summary: Once you choose hope, anything's possible. ~Christopher Reeve

While The White Dragon will always be a favourite of mine - this year I also wrote this fic which I love:
French Blue
Summary: "I didn't say I wouldn't fall in love with you, I said I'd try not to."

Honestly, I pretty much liked everything I wrote this year. I wish I could list them all. lol

Pretty in Peacock Feathers
Summary: Harry's in hell. Hermione's in heaven. Just exactly how does Draco fit into this picture?

While I like Meditative States - this one was such fun to write, putting it as my favourite for the year.

Completely Amazing
Summary: Some things seem destined to be, in spite of anniversary celebrations, running into people in halls, and lunch dates. Or maybe because of them.

This one is one of my favourites.

Out of Egypt
Summary: Draco works on a new potion that keeps him away from Harry more than either of them likes. (Alternate Summary: Draco brews while Harry stews.)

I'm not sure this qualifies in 2015 since I wrote it 2007 for a summer edition of H/D holidays. But it got lost in that shuffle and I always feel it was underappreciated. So since I posted it to AO3 in 2015 - I'm putting it here. :P

A Scandal, An Exile, A Snarky Blond Delivery Man and Three Reindeer
Summary: What's a man to do when he's unceremoniously outed in the Prophet?.

Again, I like the one that got top kudos, but this was so much fun to write and it was remixed into amazing art by PotterArt: A Bad Boy, A Bookworm, A Heated Kiss and Two Scandals
Summary: A story told through newspaper articles and polaroid pictures. A story of three reindeer, two scandals, and the love of one runaway saviour and one snarky blond delivery boy.

There's No Espresso in Azkaban
Summary: When Harry finds Draco working in a Starbucks, he finds coffee has suddenly become more interesting.

This fic lost to the one above by literally 1 kudo. So I'm leaving them both here, as I do love them both.

Like the Sun Fades (Slowly, All at Once)
Summary: When Draco chose to teach at Hogwarts, he never expected to fall in love. But he did. Falling slowly, like the sun fades into each sunset.

Three Months, Eleven Days and Nine Hours
Summary: Broke and living in a one room hovel in Knockturn Alley, Draco hunts in rubbish bins for food. Nothing could be more humiliating, right? Unless you're Draco Malfoy...

This was written for last year's Food Fair. It posted at the end and I feel it got lost in all the amazing fics. I'm really proud of it and wish it had been more popular. *shrug*

2019 (so far)
Then the Tears Fall
Summary: Good byes are never easy.
This is not for everyone - it's a 100 word drabble and is MCD. But I'm really pleased with the emotion I was able to pack into those 100 words.

Okay - so that my list of my favourites for each year. Enjoy if you've not read any.


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