Meme: Most popular fanfic each year

Jul 13, 2019 19:43

Three Little Words
Summary: Harry can't believe that three words just turned his world upside down.

For Better or For Buttercream
Summary: Picking a wedding date was a walk in the park compared to deciding on the type of cake.

More Than Friends
Summary: Harry wants more...

The Great Zoo Adventure
Summary: Draco is convinced that a day at the zoo with Teddy will prove that he and Harry are ready to be parents. Harry isn't quite as sure.

I had nothing posted for this year - but this is actually the only story I wrote in 2011 of any substance - so here it is:
Chosing Hope
Summary: Once you choose hope, anything's possible. ~Christopher Reeve

The White Dragon
Summary: Even knights in shining armour need white dragons to save them occasionally.

Meditative States
Summary: Nothing in life is easy, but the rewards can be great.

Completely Amazing
Summary: Some things seem destined to be, in spite of anniversary celebrations, running into people in halls, and lunch dates. Or maybe because of them.

In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning
Summary: Fourteen years ago Harry and Draco had one night together. It takes a stunt from Scorpius to bring them back together.

Into My Heart
Summary: No strings…easy. Right? Unless you're Draco Malfoy and you're having sex with Harry Potter.

There's No Espresso in Azkaban
Summary: When Harry finds Draco working in a Starbucks, he finds coffee has suddenly become more interesting.

We Found Love (Right Where We Are)
Summary: Whatever this was between him and Harry - it was working. The sex was brilliant and who needed commitment anyway? Not Draco Malfoy, of that he was sure. Mostly.

2019 (so far)
Whenever one door closes (one more opens)
Summary: Life doesn’t always follow the path we’d prefer. But when the time is right, the rewards are great.

I do have to smile, as some of the fics that have top kudos for that year - are actually my least favourites. And my personal favourites didn't do so well. *shrugs*
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