I have been woefully remiss...

Apr 15, 2016 09:25

in claiming my fest fics as of late:

For hd_remix

Title: Au début des choses
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco and an assortment of friends
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 13,803
Recipient: digthewriter
Summary: Apprentice Healer Malfoy has enough on his plate with egotistical supervisors. He really doesn't need Harry Potter as his patient. Really, he doesn't.
This is a remix - well more of prequel actually - of digthewriter's lovely story When I compliment you, I compliment myself

For hd_erised

Title: In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning
Author: sassy_cissa
Recipient: quiddative
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~16,700
Warnings: None
Content/Enticements: past relationship, teacher!Harry, teacher!Pansy
Summary: Fourteen years ago Harry and Draco had one night together. It takes a stunt from Scorpius to bring them back together.

For hd_owlpost

Title: The Best Christmas
Written for: hp_darkangel
Summary: Draco surprises Harry with Christmas gift.
Word Count: 617
Rating: G
Contains: mentions of mpreg

Title: I'll Drink to That!
Written for: shiftylinguini
Summary: The annual Ministry Holiday Ball can be frightfully boring.
Word Count: 1,664
Rating: PG-13

claiming fest fics, remix, owpost, hd_erised

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