So much has been going on.
Jess is engaged...holy shit.
Here...not a whole lot...
just work, work, work.
And spasmatic emotions.
Very, very draining.
Trent bought me all five
seasons of ANGEL! So excited.
And I bought all seven seasons
of BUFFY! So excited.
And I dyed my hair auburn...crazy.
It washes out though.
Watched the entire series
of HELLSING with Taresha
yesterday...the ending sucked!
Watched whole series of SAKURA
DIARIES...ending was sad...damn it.
Poured concrete this morning...
OMG...I probably shoveled a 1/2
ton of gravel...oh gosh.
Going to Scenic tomorrow with
Joe, Trent and Wade. Kinda wish
Rhye was going, just cuz he
lightens the mood.
Gonna fix the Suburban I guess
and go prairie dog hunting...yikes.
I guess I'm a good shot though, so
no biggie.
Goint to ROB ZOMBIE monday,
August 8th in Sturgis at the
Full Throttle...hella excited!