Adding up numbers is very uplifting.

Feb 10, 2005 10:36

<3 Kompressor

So finally, I've decided I will spend some time watching Fullmetal Alchemist. With the very small amount of space I have left between 2 hard drives, it's obvious that I download more than I can watch. Wouldn't it be fun to build a RAID just for my use. *sigh*

Things have been....good, I suppose. Nothing in winter every really occurs of consequence, sadly - save for our arrest 2 years ago for doing stupid shit.

Jenn came up from Maryland back for New Years, so I spent it with her and Sarah. We ended up going to London Billiards after watching RotK at Sarah's house. They got drunk, I got annoyed - as ever. Its probably best that we keep the drinking at a minimum. I get really frustrated, you know.
But then, when am I not frustrated?

I also have an over-abundance of cash lately. I don't even know what to do with it. Save it? New computer components? Maybe some upgrades on my sewing machine? More books? Maybe just, you know, act like an adult and SAVE IT?

The office has also been hopping. But when I stay up until 4am arguing with some jackass about nature vs. man and the societal repercussions of the ability to reason and feel in humanity, I am in no mood to actually work.

It was supposed to snow 10-20 inches by the end of tonight. Funny. There's nothing but rain falling. Paid Liars, I tell you. Best job ever.
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