Jan 08, 2009 17:50
I would like to keep this community small, so there will be a max capacity of around 30 or 40. Membership will be moderated, and I will only be accepting people who have an active journal, credit for their graphics, and those who actually use the type of work I make.
Membership will be closed when I feel I've reached a capacity that I, myself, can handle. There will be member cleanups on a regular basis, and I will reopen membership at that time.
I will be offering freebies on a regular basis, at least one per week. The majority will be exclusive icons just for members of this community.
I will offer blinkies once a month in rounds of threes, and possibly simpler blinkie offers between rounds. I will not be making a gallery, so there will only be one chance to request a blinkie.
Paid Requests
I currently do not take PRs for custom graphics. If you are interested in purchasing past freebies (icons or blinkies) email me at lovekel@livejournal.com. I'm extremely reasonable! (Please place "sassily" or "PRs" in the subject line)