V-E Day

May 09, 2017 09:28

01 Pfc. Clarence K. Ayers of Evansville, Ind., reads the news of V-E Day as newly arrived German prisoners stand of a New York City pier, May 8, 1945. (John Rooney, Associated Press)

День Победы в Европе (V-E Day, или Victory in Europe Day) - праздник, во время которого США, Великобритания и большинство стран Западной Европы отмечают день капитуляции Германии и, соответственно, завершения Второй мировой войны в Европе.

02 London (IWM. Crown Copyright)

03 No flag went unwaved on V-E Day in London's Piccadilly. (GETTY / PICTURE POST / HULTON ARCHIVE)

04 Servicemen and rejoicing citizens ride a truck through the streets of London ( GETTY / POPPERFOTO )

05 London ( IWM. Crown Copyright )

06 Children celebrate the victory in Europe during World War II, Baltimore, Maryland, May 8, 1945. ( GETTY / AFRO AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS / GADO )

07 A victory street party near Clapham Common, London. ( GETTY / FOX PHOTOS )

08 Two little English girls wave the British flag in the rubble of bomb-ravaged Battersea on V-E Day. Battersea, Wandsworth, London, England, U.K. 8 May 1945.

09 British girls of the Picture Division of the London Office of War Information dance in the street with American soldiers during the V-E Day celebration in London, May 8, 1945. ( Photo12 / UIG / Getty Images )

10 The sound of the bugle announced the cease-fire by the general surrender of German troops and their European allies on the western front. Taken at the border between Germany and Czechoslovakia ( GETTY / KEYSTONE-FRANCE / GAMMA-KEYSTONE )

11 Patients at Horley Military Hospital, all severely wounded in France and Italy, celebrate V-E Day with nursing staff. ( GETTY / POPPERFOTO )

12 Merchant Marine Bill Eckert impersonates Hitler amidst New York's Times Square frenzy. (GETTY  / TONY LINCKTHE / LIFE IMAGES COLLECTION )

13 A van load of beer passing through Piccadilly Circus. The statue of Eros, protected during the war by billboard advertisements, can be seen in the background. See, not all ads are bad. ( GETTY / KEYSTONE )

14 Piccadilly Circus, London. ( GETTY / MELVIN WEISS/INTERIM ARCHIVES )

15 Princess Elizabeth, Queen Elizabeth, Winston Churchill, King George VI, and Princess Margaret waving from the balcony of Buckingham Palace. (GETTY / CULTURE CLUB )

16 St Paul's Cathedral ( London ) illuminated on the night of V-E Day. ( GETTY / DAILY HERALD ARCHIVE / SSPL )

17 Soldiers, so exhausted from the V-E Day celebrations, collapsed across a London park. ( GETTY /  PICTURE POSTHULTON ARCHIVE )


19  A sanitation worker sweeps up a confetti-covered Times Square. ( GETTY /  ANDREAS FEININGER / THE LIFE PICTURE COLLECTION )

20 The end of WW2 is celebrated in Moscow's Red Square, May 9, 1945

Фото отсюда , отсюда , отсюда и отсюда .

праздники, usa, ww2, подборка фото, СССР, память, 1940-е, пленные, great britain

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