Below is an announcement for a d20 based rpg game some friends and I have developed. The game will go on sale in July at a local gaming convention (Origins) here in Columbus, Ohio. We're pretty excited!
Thenodrin Presents LLC is excited to announce that our new d20 rpg gothic horror campaign, Fellowship of the White Star, will premier July 5th-8th at the Columbus, Ohio gaming convention, Origins 2007. Visit us at booth #816 or play one of the two events we have scheduled. Events will be run through the Gathering.
The game uses d20 rpg rules and is set in semi-historic earth 1905-1914 with a horror atmosphere that is hidden from the view of the common people. In our version of earth, magic still exists in a limited form and the players will create heroes to investigate suspicious events and battle evil supernatural beings. We envision western cowboy heroes battling zombies in mines, archeologist heroes investigating tombs in Egypt, British soldier heroes weeding out voodoo cults in Jamaica, Arctic explorer and Eskimo guide heroes seeking the Yeti, City detective heroes investigating strange crimes, etc... It is an ongoing campaign that we plan to have run until 1914 (each real year, we will roll the clock forward and have modules set in that year and base part of them off historic events) and certain missions can change "real" world history events. This game will allow the players to continue to build up their character within our campaign. Our game has an exciting set of unique skills and feats and is certain to please anyone who finds adventuring in the early 20th century intriguing. The book also includes unique artwork from artists we have recruited. If you don't have a character, no problem, simply stop by our booth in the Origins exhibit hall and we'll help you develop one or you can pick one of the pre-made characters available.
Authors that have agreed to provide modules over the next ten years include, but are not limited to:
Dan Donnelly, John Jones, Victor Long, Jennifer Middleton, Mark Middleton and Steve Yee.
If you are interested in learning more or want to order our product, please visit our website at: (paypal only please)
There, you will be able to order the new campaigns sourcebook, modules, dice for our game, t-shirts, short stories and more!
SPECIAL DISCOUNTS AND BONUSES will be available on the sourcebook for anyone who pre-orders the campaign source book or buys it at Origins. The sourcebook is normally $25 (plus applicable sales tax in Ohio), but pre-orders and patrons at the Origins exhibit hall will receive a 10% discount on their total purchase ($22.50 plus tax). In addition, anyone pre-ordering or buying the game at the con will receive a certificate granting one of their characters 1,000 XP. This will allow your character to start at 2nd level! In addition, if you'd like to pre-order the game or accessories and pick it up at Origins, you can save on the shipping costs (just check the proper paypal box in the store).
Fan sites have been created at: Thenodrin Presents LLC was formed by gamers who lament the lack of an ongoing campaign set in this time period. We are making a promise to the gaming community that our primary focus is, and will continue to be, the development of a fun and enjoyable campaign. This game will be developed by the players and for the players. If you enjoy our game, please support the campaign so it can continue!