I think that sore throat I've been battling has finally turned itself into actual sickness. I just had a sneezing fit (what my family calls a "Tinkerfit," after the cat who used to sneeze for about two minutes straight all the time) and now my nose is runny. Blech. I hate head colds. It doesn't help that - SURPRISE! - it's freezing in the office again. But whatever, that's par for the course.
Busy busy weekend. Drove to and from Long Island with surprisingly pleasant results. Hung out with
celticangel424 and
pisascha. Had dinner with my in-laws yesterday. Created some IC drama with
escapingatrophy and
shadowside21. Have my Bimbo at 4 challenges and an ugly hairdo away from level 4 and $150 away from a gym membership (got that awful awful game is addictive). Wrote an IC LJ entry. Watched a Lindsay Lohan movie that was surprisingly good. Slept some.
I am currently at war with my hair, having had to pull it up for five days straight now due to its insistence on looking like ass in a can. Am considering the Sinéad O'Connor look. Thoughts?
Oh, and I set the toaster in the cafeteria on fire this morning. Like... flames, 6" high. My poor hard roll stuck between the little metal conveyor belt and the hot coils, flaming and slowly turning into a blackened lump of yuck. It took four of us to fish it out with the tongs and the cafeteria still smells like smoke.
It's going to be an awesome week!
(BTW, Cammies: we may be canceling game this weekend. We don't have a site right now and a couple of us can't make it, which in CAMalot terms means a 3-player game. So we may just see you all in May.)