The question still stands, but here's some other stuff now that I've had my Enviga:
I must learn how to make an online video. I MUST. I wonder if I can do it with my webcam and iMovie...
Had some very disturbing dreams last night. Not the usual type of nightmare for me - this wasn't surreal and terrifying, more unlikely but weirdly realistic. It has me worried about people, though I'm not the prophetic type. And just for good measure it included some fat angst, since even in the dream none of my clothes fit me. I need to hit the gym and go shopping. :P
Paul's bad again. Seems the sonic whatever loosened the stone but didn't break it up, so now he's back to the kind of pain he had a week ago. We've gone back to square one.
Many many books to read. Still need to finish Fragile Things, and then I've got Only Revolutions, The Ruins, and A Wrinkle in Time. I've been lazy. Too busy falling asleep during Mets games (which I need to stop doing, since whenever I do so they blow a lead and lose). Also need to get laundry and cleaning done. Maybe that's how I should spend the weekend, unfun an option as it is.