Every week Lost leaves me feeling like, "OK, all the pieces are in place now and we're ready to really start some shit." And then the next episode happens and the pieces all move around some more. I'm not necessarily saying this is a bad thing, but the anticipation is ramping up so much that it's getting maddening and there's still a lot to get done with only four (!!!!) episodes left.
But this week it seems like the pieces maybe really are in place - in both worlds. In Sideways World we saw S-Sawyer arrest S-Sayid (Sayid in a purple shirt and cuffs again, just like when I-Sayid returned on flight 316). We saw Desmond bring S-Claire and S-Jack together and S-Jack reunite with S-Locke, S-Sawyer banter with S-Kate, and for some reason we even saw a Sideways version of Ilana. Then on the Island we got to see everyone reunited (OMG SUN AND JIN YAY!)... until I-Jack felt the magnetic pull of the Island call him to leave his friends, which tells me that Jack is probably our new Jacob.
I feel less mad about that apparent inevitability since Jack has in the last two episodes finally shown some semblance of self-awareness and growth. If it's all true and Jack is finally becoming the guy we thought he was in the Pilot then I'm Ok with him taking on Jacob's mantle.
After all, for all we know Jacob could actually be a huge douche. There's still no guarantee of who the "good guys" and "bad guys" really are. And I'm not taking anything for granted.
What will make me mad is if they actually kill off Dr. Desmanhattan. Hasn't that guy been through enough already?! I'm thinking they didn't because I really doubt they'd kill a character as pivotal as Desmond off-camera and because he seemed to be getting to Soulless I-Sayid. But he also seemed to show a certain level of despair for the first time since walking out of Widmore's giant microwave, which concerns me. Maybe he's seeing his mission beginning to fall apart and worrying for the consequences.
And just let me say that considering that there's no new ep next week, leaving us hanging on Desmond's fate is a dick move, writers.
I was glad to see Jack finally for once just ask the actual question on his mind (when he spoke with Darth Mocke) instead of tap dancing around it. "Were you my father?" "Why yes, yes I was." When I re-watched all the previous seasons recently it occurred to me that back in "White Rabbit" when Jack sees "Christian" and follows him all over, maybe that was Smokey trying to get Jack killed before he could be any real trouble. And I stand by that theory. Darth Mocke's claim that he was leading a stubborn horse to water is bullshit.
By the way, why does Team Widmore think blowing up Darth Mocke will do any good? Widmore seems smarter than that. WTF? Also, RIP remaining nameless Others.
I'm curious to see what happens with I-Claire. Is she faking her forgiveness of the friends who she watched abandon her yet again? Will she (please) try to kill Kate again? Is she spying for Darth Mocke? Will someone please run a brush through her hair?
I'm also curious as to why S-Sun recognized S-Locke, and why she freaked the fuck out when she did. Was it just the shock of the returning memory, or did she look at him and see Darth Mocke?
But who cares? Sun and Jin are finally back together! I totally thought for a minute that one of them was going to get fried because the pylons were still on. Thanks for not doing that, Lost.
In closing, do yourself a favor and check out Wired Magazine's supremely geektastic Lost coverage:
http://www.wired.com/magazine/2010/04/ff_lost/ They had Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse interviews by a physicist, interviews Gregg Nations (keeper of the show's continuity bible) and the guy who runs Lostpedia.com, and had something called a "biometric scientist" make a chart of every character connection on the show. Also there's a bitchin' pic of Lindelof and Cuse that is now my desktop wallpaper.