Fashion Week is here!

Sep 13, 2009 00:02

A whole week of pretty pretty clothes I will never be able to afford shown to pretty pretty people I will never meet. So awesome and yet so depressing.

Now that Michelle Obama has made Jason Wu a household name, which looks from his spring collection do we think she'll be rocking soon? I vote #8 and #22.

Christian Siriano has really grown up. He's discovered color! And non-skinny pants! And non-poofy jackets! And COLOR, for god's sake! Someday when I win my Oscar (for... something), I'll be wearing the gown in look #26 if this Roberto Cavalli from last year isn't available - hell, it may count as vintage by then.

I'll wear #34 from the Luca Luca show to the accompanying Golden Globes. Luca Luca's show is proof that the 80s are back, but they managed to use the influence without producing a line filled with awful junior high flashbacks (like Gwen Stefani did, for instance). I feel like Luca Luca doesn't get enough attention.

What I find funny is, I have two separate magazines on my coffee table that both declare that cobalt blue is officially so over and everyone should look into pink instead. But the spring runways are simply lousy with cobalt blue. So I guess just tuck away all your blue for fall, but keep it for next spring. And no worries - pink will never go out of style. (Speaking of which, I crave these LIKE CRACK. Paul hates them, but what does he know? I'll wear pink shoes with just about anything and they look super cute with my new skinny jeans and whatever I just have to have them and I hope they go on sale soon because I'm unemployed and poor.)

fashion, shopping

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