The Newly Assigned Meanings for the Days of the Week...

Nov 19, 2012 01:23

... Are as follows:

~ Sunday Funday - a day wholly devoted to having fun. For instance, Sunday brunch, games, movie night, dancing.

~ Monday Bunday / Monday Funday (see above) - a day when you wear your hair up, make cinnamon buns, maybe make some rabbit noises, and refer to people affectionately as "Bun."

~ Tuesday Boozeday / Tuesday Snoozeday - a)cocktail party, sherry before dinner. b) naps. Lots of naps... Both pretty much self-explanatory.

~ Wednesday Friendsday - hang out with friends as much as possible, all day.

~ Thursday Blursday / Thursday Cursday / Thursday Slursday - a) pack the day full of tasks, so there's no time to stop. b) behave in a boorish fashion (not the most popular option) c) speak in a slur all day long. (Thursday just isn't the best day, that's all there is to it. Friday more than makes up for it, though.)

~ Friday Pieday - Objective: to make and eat as much pie as possible. Can also be fried pie, thus skillfully combining Friday Pieday and Friday Fryday.

~Saturday Cat-erday / Saturday Slatter-day / Saturday Batter Day - a) find and cuddle with large numbers of cats. b) lay about the house wearing a tattered old dressing gown. Don't clean, don't bathe, generally be a slattern. c) coat absolutely everything you eat in batter.

For example, today was Sunday Funday. I went to brunch at a friend's house, where we had enormous amounts of bacon, pancakes, coffee with Kahlua, eggs, and scones. We then sat around all afternoon, fooling around with banjos, dancing about the house, and singing Van Morrison at the tops of our lungs. Then I taught a dance class.
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