Mock Cable Fingerless Glove Pattern

Mar 04, 2010 16:07

Shepherds Wool
US 8 dpns
waste yarn or small stitch holder

CO 35st. Divide over needles (15, 10, 10)
Begin Mock Cable Rib

Row 1 - *K2, p1, k1, p1* repeat around
Row 2 - *K1, YO, K1, P1, K1, P1*
Row 3 - *K3, P1, K1, P1*
Row 4 - *K3, slip the first stich over the second two and off, P1, K1, P1*

Repeat these four rows for Mock Cable Rib.

Continue for 5 repeats of the stitch pattern, or about 3 1/2 inches.

Next Rnd - Work 15 sts. PM, M5 sts, PM. work to the end of the rnd.
Next Rnd - Work to the marker. KFB of the first and last stitches in the markers.

Knit the increase round every third round once more. (9 sts)
Work 4 more rows in pattern, then increase once again. (11 sts)
Work another round in the pattern.
You should be midway through the ninth repeat of the mock cable.
The next round, slip the 11 sts onto waste yarn or a holder, and continue knitting.

Work for a further 2 inches, or a total of 11 pattern repeats.

Thumb: Slip the 11 sts onto dpns, and pick up one stitch from the top of the thumb gusset (where you slipped the stitches off in the first place)
Knit ever for 4 rows, or until the thumb is the desired length. BO.

Weave in ends and enjoy!
The thumb may need a bit of shoring up - its not your fault if it does.
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