I just know your life is gonna change....

Mar 13, 2008 21:13

Right one of those trip down memory lane times and also looking to the future posts...

Its been 3 years. 3 wonderful, long, hard, sad years since one of the most life defining things has happened to me. Yes, I know I bring this up many many times and no telling how many times in recent years I will.... My wreck.

The loss of my freedom, my independence, my identity, self confidence and my way of life as I know. I still miss this time of my life, I miss who I was and the way I felt about myself at the time.. I LOVED my life at the time. After the wreck, I struggled to find out who I was again and I HATED to be reliant on people- which I was... I was weak and I needed the help. This marked a time in my life that I knew I had to start over.

Then later on in the year I came here to NL to visit and to take a break from my reality the way it was- I was a sheltered girl and was afraid of everything... At this point I had not yet figured out who I was from the changes that happened. But I made my decision to move here.

I went back to the US to finish my business and close things off and then came here... Scared, lost, unsure of myself, my decisions and my future.. I just knew somehow this felt right..I could only go on instinct at this point. I moved to NL 1 year just about the day after my wreck.

Once here I started to discover life again, to figure out who I was meant to be; to start over and re- identify myself. Finding my job and discovering a new love in life helped.. It brought about some of the best changes in my life. I discovered myself somewhere about at the end of 2006...

Now a year and some odd months later, I’m still becoming more refined, still growing up, and figuring things out with who and what I am. My self confidence and my joy in life has come back, my freedom and my independence is great now than it ever was back before the wreck. I know because NOW I won’t let anyone tell me no nor will I let anyone stand in my way... Ask why I decided to start a new job in a city that I love that offers me MORE than I could ever ask for right now...

3 years to the day tomorrow of my wreck and I still cry for the fear of what was lost and what had yet to be discovered. I still shake when I think I almost lost my life and of the major changes that this brought about for me.

And yet I do not think back like I did.. I don’t cry missing everything.. Because I know life has changed for the better and without this turning point in my life things would not be as they are today. I would not be who I am today without it all....

So 3 years to the wreck and 2 years almost to moving here.. Life happens for strange reasons and I don’t question the way things happened or why they do anymore. I just know they do..

On April 1st I start my new job, I’m excited, I’m ready to get out and see what else life has to offer to see where else this amazing journey can take me and what else I can encounter along the way. I can’t wait to see what this life brings me..

Its brought me more best friends than I can count, a love greater than this life itself, and some amazing memories...I’m young so it will continue to be this way...I look forward to life and to the new day that is called tomorrow.... :)


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