Tony's birthstory!

Aug 12, 2011 21:29

(From my Babycenter post! A more detailed one will follow later..)

Your Name/Screenname:cmooijweer/Charlotte

Baby's Name: Anthony Christopher Kevin M. "Tony"

Date of Birth: August 5th, 2011

Original Due Date (EDD): August 12, 2011

Weeks Pregnant: 39 exactly!

Weight:3215 grams/ 7.1 lbs

Height:52 Cm/ 20.5 inches


I was having issues with my Intracranial Hypertension and had to be induced on August 4th, 2011 because there was no way to release the pressure without having the baby out of me. I have to say through the entire thing my husband was with me and he was absolutely amazing! I could not have done it without him! They broke my water at 9.00 am and started the epidural with me dilated to 2 cm at the time. I was dilating at 1 cm every 2 hours, and started running a fever in the afternoon. During this time I was constantly moving my legs and having to squirm from side to side to keep the "sensation" in them. I was definitely very grateful to have had the epidural from the beginning. (Due to my condition, I was not allowed to feel any pain!) Tony was hooked up to the internal monitor and his heart skipped a few beats during the process. As we live in the Netherlands, I was able to eat during the day instead of starving for 12+ hours until he was born. At 11.00 pm on the 4th I started feeling the contractions and Tony moving down into the birth canal. The epidural had worn off by this point. So I had to struggle through the huge urge to go poo. After an hour and 15 minutes the doctor came in and told me it was time to push. Tony was born at 12.35 after about 7 pushes. Once they put Tony on my chest alls I could do was cry.. It broke my heart to believe he was there already.. I never believed I would be able to bring a person into this world! I have to say it makes the best day of my life. It was absolutely breathtaking experience to share with my husband and to see the look in his eyes once the little one arrived! I had no stitches and was able to walk within an hour after the birth... My husband went down with Tony to the neonatal ward and made an agreement with the nurse down there that I'd be there around 3.00 AM to see him. I was grateful he did this, because my nurse on the L&D floor was not going to let me!! (They were going to try to make me wait till 6.00 AM!) However, I was able to walk down there on my own to see him..Tony had to spend 24 hours in observation to have his heart checked and make sure nothing was wrong from the skipped beats and the fever I ran during labor. We had a rough start to breast feeding because they did not get him on my breast within the first hour but now a week later, Tony is exclusively breastfed and is doing great! However, in the Netherlands we have a fantastic system called "kraamzorg"and they are usually with you from the first day home to show you how to do things and help you out the first week. I was afraid of the kraamzorg before she arrived and thanks to her and the lactation consultant I am able to breastfeed!! We are having to use a nipple shield, but I am working on trying to wean him off of that! If we have to use it till the end of our breastfeeding relationship, so be it! I am just super, super happy to be able to breastfeed and produce enough that he only has to be breastfed!!! And today on my due date and at one week old, Tony is ewithin 50 grams of his birth weight, is holding is body temperature well, and his umbilical cord has fallen off... All in all it was an absolutely amazing experience. I can't wait to do it again!! :)

tony, birth

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