For my own reference.. (later)

May 25, 2011 13:18

(Stolen from my birthboard on Babycenter!)

Something to keep in our back pockets when the time comes :)

It's about that time when Braxton Hicks contrax will start to pick up. I wonder if now isn't a good time to go over some basics real quick, as far as what that means exactly and the diff bw BH and real contrax. Like to hear it..? Here it go:

Braxton Hicks:

• HURT (sometimes lol). They can be on the front of your tummy, all in your back, or waaaayyy down low in the basement. They range on the pain scale from "slight annoyance" to "OWWW MOMMYYY WAHHH!!!"

• WILL SLOW/STOP. If you get a glass of water, change positions or empty your bladder. They "come and go"... or slam you for 15 minutes then disappear for an hour. Show up just in time to freak you all the way out.. then disappear quick enough to make you think you're officially going insane.

• DON'T DO MUCH. Other than be a genuine PITA, BH is mostly just for show. They're not opening your cervix really, or moving the baby downstairs for evac. In short, they don't do a lot to make your labor "progress." Meh.

Then there's BH's Big Sister... Mrs. Real Contractions. This is how you can recognize her if she comes to your door:

• Real contrax are TIMEABLE. You're not looking for the ones that are all over the map. You're looking for the ones that are every 10 minutes, then every 8 minutes, then every 6 minutes, etc. If they are every 10 minutes for a while, then you get one 2 minutes later, then another one 8 minutes later, that ain't it. By "timeable" we mean on a regular interval that gradually gets closer together.

• Real contrax get longer in duration. In addition to being timeable, they last longer as time passes Like at first, the cramps will last a few seconds. then they last 10 seconds. Then they last 20 seconds, etc.

• Real contrax don't go away. Get up and take a walk. Empty your bladder, have some water. If the cramping pattern slows, that ain't it. If you're physically capable of cooking supper, or posting a thread on BBC, that ain't it.

All that aside, I want you to completely ignore me and call your doc ASAP-tually if you see:

• Bleeding

• a gush or trickle of liquid. If you THINK you have a trickle, take off your panties. If your leg is wet after 5-10 minutes, call doc.

ETA: If math isn't your strong suit, or if you're easily distracted like me.. (hey look.. a butterfly!...) I would recommend using a contraction timer to help you keep track. There are a lot of them out there... here is a decent one:

contractions, bh

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