Jun 06, 2005 13:59
What a weekend! I spend Friday night partying it up with Harvey (Woody) Haywood. Yes, his name really is Harvey Haywood. I love it! We stayed up all night and I haven't done that in God knows how long. Saturday and Sunday I spend the days decorating for VBS. I'm teaching the 2nd graders this year. This morning it was so much fun. They came in and decorated their little bags and then we got started. I walked them through missions, arts-n-craft time, snack, and finally music. All the classes gathered for the big finally video and singing. We ended with the Hokey Pokey. My 2 1/2 year old had a blast doing the hokey pokey with a hundred other kids. I've never seen him jump around so much. He was jammin' out, for real. (For those of you who've actually seen Emo cut a rug, his soon cuts it just like his daddy.)
Tomorrow hopefully there will be more hokey pokey!
Also this weekend I got the fever for a new car. They have a silver escape up at the ford place that I want so bad. I called to get preapproved and they called me back to say come pick it up. I keep talking myself into it, then out of it. life is so confusing.
Alright, got to get new car out of mind...must get to work...have more reports to write before going out of town next week. Chattanooga, TN, watch out.
*Oh, and it's not bamamom, it's bamamom22. I love you girl. Glad to see you're using what your momma gave ya!