(no subject)

May 06, 2005 11:16

Ho ho! I haven't updated in approximately one billion years... well, about 3 weeks anyway. How crazy... I have been massively busy with school work and class and partying so I guess LJ just doesn't get my attention anymore. Well, after a grueling 16 page paper (with pictures added, 22 pages), and a week's worth of tests, I am almost officially DONE with my first year of college. Yes, that's right, only one class left to go to this afternoon and then I will be completely done. No finals, for some AWESOME reason!!! Bwah hahaha! I did have 4 tests this week though, so I kind of just got it a week early, only none of them were cumulative.

Anyway, summer will officially be here in a little over 3 hours. Wooty. Oh but then, yes then, I have to go straight to work... literally. 4 o'clock at Bay Beach for a new employee orientation... I hope it doesn't last that long. And my first day of work is tomorrow.... at 8:30 AM. Sick sick sick. But at least I only work weekends during May, so I get a bit of a vacation. And the job won't be a bad one either.

Started packing up some things today... our walls are almost all barren now!!! Although I am thrilled that summer is here, I am really going to miss my friends this summer. In highschool it was easy because all of your friends were still in the same city as you during the summer. Now, I'd have to travel to Chicago and Milwaukee and Manitowoc to see my buddies. And 3 and a half months is a long time to be apart from such close friends.

In total, I am very pleased with my first year of college. Not only did I find a good direction for my life career-wise, but I developed as a person a lot too. My beliefs have changed an incredible amount. I have different priorities and place importance on different things. I developed a lot of very close friendships... in fact I have never had so many good quality friendships in my entire life, and for these experiences I am incredibly grateful. I really am going to miss it all this summer.

But that's not to say I'm not going to have a good time this summer. In fact, this summer is going to be a great time. I'm really looking forward to not having to dedicate myself to anything but going to work every day, chillaxing with my friends, riding my bike, running, abusing substances, and especially working on my artwork. It will definitely be a bomb time.

So yes, that's about all I have to say. That and I'm massively in love with Phish. Oh god.
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